Kathie's Coaching Podcast

162.The Power of Intention with Reality Transurfing Techniques

• Kathie Owen

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🔗🔗🔗Links for today’s episode:
Kathie’s Links: https://www.kathieowen.com/links
Today’s blog post: https://www.kathieowen.com/blog/transurfing-visualization
Transurfing content and downloads: https://www.kathieowen.com/reality-transurfing
Reality Transurfing the book: https://amzn.to/4bHqcI9
Transurfing in 78 Days: https://amzn.to/3WHOIV9

In this episode, Kathie Owen explores the transformative power of visualization and intention, drawing upon the philosophy of Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland. 

She discusses the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and using affirmations or 'auto-suggestions' to overcome mental barriers and elevate energy levels. Through practical examples, including a story about a pilot using visualization to stay calm in a challenging situation, Kathie illustrates how intention and visualization can lead to personal growth, enhanced cognitive and immune functions, and the realization of one's goals. 

She emphasizes the role of positive thoughts and emotions in shaping our reality and encourages viewers to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement, leveraging the concepts from Reality Transurfing to navigate towards success and abundance.


Today we're going to talk about harnessing the power of intention from reality transurfing. Here's the quote for today."As you know, the essence of the visualization technique lies in the statement that today is better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better than today. Switch on your energy fountains and repeat the affirmation in your mind that your intention energy is increasing with each and every passing day. This way, intention will support itself and your energy levels will increasingly rise." So today we're going to talk about harnessing the power of intention and the transformative potential of visualization techniques from Reality Transurfing. So that quote was right there was from the book Reality Transurfing and this is a book written by Russian quantum physicist Vadim Zeland and inside this book. There are so many insights. I mean, I tell you, like I said last week, I said that what I do is I open up the book to random pages and I always find answers or solutions or something that's going on. And so I have that quote and you can also find more about this quote and this episode. in the link in the show notes and description below, because what I do is I copy this and to a blog post and share it with you there. You're listening to Kathie Coaching Podcast. I'm your host, Kathie Owen. So in the pursuit of personal growth and self improvement, we often find ourselves grappling with the complexities of the mind. Our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions shape our reality in profound ways, and this influences our actions and our experiences. So it's not just A coincidence that you found this video, and I want you to remember that as you listen today. You know, amidst the chaos of everyday life, it's easy to succumb to negative self talk and limiting beliefs that hinder our progress. Enter the power of visualization techniques, as a Eloquently captured in the quote from Reality Transurfing, Today is better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better than today. This simple yet profound affirmation encapsulates the essence of harnessing intention energy to cultivate positive change in our lives. Let's dive deeper into the significance of this statement and explore how it can empower us to overcome mental barriers and elevate our energy levels. You know, in my mastermind with Joseph Rodriguez, I have been hearing so many flow based techniques and visualizations, and one of the stories that really struck me was one of the gals is talking about flying an airplane. And she is a pilot, and she's been training, and she was flying, and she went into this one airport, where she landed, and they didn't have Air traffic control, but they have certain rules and And she stayed in her flow even though she almost got hit by another airplane or there was a collision that was going to happen. She was in the right. And she noticed how once she landed and saw all the other pilots in there, they were trying to get her to react to it. She visualized herself. Staying calm, not giving in to the drama, not giving in to what was out there, and she stayed calm. And she even, like, this girl's so cute, she was like, I'm not giving into it. I see y'all acting up over there. I'm not giving into it. I'm staying in my flow. I love that. So the visualization technique outlined in the quote encourages us to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement and growth it's a journey, not a destination. And by affirming that each day is better than the last, that tomorrow holds even greater promise, we shift our focus away from dwelling on past failures or shortcomings. Instead, we direct our energy towards envisioning a brighter future filled with limitless possibilities. Central to this process is the concept of intention energy, the powerful force that drives our thoughts, actions, and manifestations. By consciously directing our intention towards positive outcomes, we activate our energy fountains and set in motion a self reinforcing cycle of growth and transformation. Each repetition of the affirmation simply, serves to amplify our intention energy, fueling our journey towards personal fulfillment and success. And honestly, I like the word auto suggestion as opposed to affirmation. Even though they do kind of mean the same thing, I believe more it's a suggestion to your subconscious mind than it is an affirmation for your subconscious mind. It just helps me get rid of that word Affirming it. Affirming it. I'm auto suggesting it to my subconscious. So why is it essential to cultivate such a mindset of positivity and optimism? The answer lies in the intricate interplay between our thoughts, emotions, and our energetic vibrations. Studies in the field of neuroscience have revealed that the profound impact of our mental states on our brain function and overall well being. Positive thoughts and emotion not only enhance cognitive, function, but also boost immune function and promote physical health. I'm going to repeat that because that is super important. Positive thoughts and emotions not only enhance cognitive function, but also boost your immune system, and they promote physical health. Moreover, our thoughts emit vibrational frequencies that interact with the quantum field, shaping the reality we perceive. This Transurfing comes into play. The idea that we can consciously navigate through parallel realities by aligning our intentions with the desired outcome by consistently reinforcing the belief that each day brings us closer to our goals, we attune ourselves to the frequency of success. and abundance. However, it's essential to acknowledge that our minds are adept at playing tricks on us, often leading us astray with self doubt and negativity. Remember, the negativity bias will set you off track. It takes discipline to stay out of self doubt. and negativity. But this is where the power of affirmations, auto suggestions becomes particularly potent. By consciously choosing empowering beliefs and repeating them with conviction, we reprogram our subconscious mind and overwrite limiting thoughts. The phrase, Every day I'm getting better and better, encapsulates this principle beautifully, serving as a potent mantra for personal growth and empowerment. As we internalize this affirmation, auto suggestion, whatever you call it, and integrate it into our daily routine, we begin to witness tangible shifts in our mindset and behavior. Gradually, we cultivate a sense of self confidence and resilience that propels us forward on our journey towards self actualization. Moreover, the act of visualization serves to deepen our connection with our goals and our desires, making them feel more attainable and real. Again, I'm going to go back to how your definite chief aim Everything that's happening to you contributes to, and by vividly imagining ourselves achieving our aspirations, we strengthen the neural pathways associated with success and reinforce our commitment to manifesting our dreams. This process not only enhances our motivation and focus, but also attracts opportunities and resources that align with our intentions. In essence, the practice of visualization offers a powerful tool for unlocking our full potential and transcending the limitations of the mind. By harnessing the energy of intention and affirming our belief in a brighter tomorrow, we pave the way for profound So, let us embrace the wisdom of reality transurfing and embark on a journey of self discovery and empowerment, one visualization at a time. Alright, that's my episode for today. I trust that you found it helpful. If you know someone who can benefit from this, please share it with them. And until next time, I will see you next time. Peace out. And Namaste.