Kathie's Coaching Podcast

181. Transurfing Rules Meets Corporate Wellness

• Kathie Owen

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Kathie's Links: https://www.kathieowen.com/links
Reality Transurfing: https://www.kathieowen.com/reality-transurfing
Pendulum Articles: https://www.kathieowen.com/pendulums
Importance Articles: https://www.kathieowen.com/importance
Toxic Positivity Articles: https://www.kathieowen.com/toxic-positivity

In today's episode:
Unlocking the 12 Rules of Reality Transurfing with Kathie Owen

In this episode, Kathie Owen delves into the transformative philosophy of Reality Transurfing, developed by Vadim Zeland.

She explores the 12 golden rules that guide individuals in shaping their reality through the power of thought and intention. Located within the concepts of mental energy, pendulums, and the wave of luck, Kathie offers insights into achieving harmony, reducing external influences, and navigating life with a positive mindset.

Emphasizing the connection between inner self and external outcomes, the episode provides practical guidance for personal and professional growth in corporate wellness, visualization techniques, and self-empowerment.


00:00 Introduction to Transurfing 
02:11 Transurfing in Corporate Wellness 
04:21 Rule 1: Mental Energy 
05:13 Rule 2: Pendulums 
07:04 Rule 3: The Wave of Luck 
08:42 Rule 4: Excess Potential 
10:02 Rule 5: Induced Transition 
11:28 Rule 6: The Rustle of the Morning Stars 
12:58 Rule 7: Space of Variations 
14:08 Rule 8: Intention 
15:04 Rule 9: Slides 
15:56 Rule 10: Visualization 
16:52 Rule 11: The Fraile 
17:47 Rule 12: Goals and Doors 
18:34 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


In the realm of personal development and self realization, numerous philosophies and methodologies promise to unlock the potential within us. Among these Transurfing stands out as a unique and compelling approach to understanding and navigating the complexities of life that we all know about. Developed by Vadim Zeland, Transurfing is not just a theory. It's a guide to transforming one's perception of reality and consequently their life experience. This philosophy rooted in the concept of shaping your reality through the power of thought and intention offers set of 12 golden rules. Each rule provides insights and practical guidance on how to align your mental and emotional energy with the life you desire to lead. In today's podcast episode, we delve into the essence of these 12 rules of Transurfing. From the space of variations to goals and doors. Each rule is a stepping stone toward understanding how our eternal states such as thoughts, emotions, and intentions can significantly influence our external reality. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner of personal development techniques are new to the concept of reality, Transurfing. These rules offer a fresh perspective on how to navigate life's challenges and opportunities. I like to say you're either learning or you're winning. By exploring and applying these principles, you may find yourself on a transformative journey toward greater self-awareness fulfillment and empowerment. Let's embark on this journey together, exploring each rule and uncovering the profound wisdom hidden within. You're listening to Kathie's coaching podcast. I'm your host, Kathie Owen on this channel. We talk about corporate wellness, reality, Transurfing. Fitness and more. And today we're talking about the 12 rules of transurfing. You know, reality Transurfing can actually be a powerful tool for corporate wellness professionals. Especially those who are responsible for shaping the health and wellbeing culture within organizations. The principles of Transurfing can be directly applied to the challenges that we face in our roles as a corporate wellness director, such as engaging employees, reducing burnout and fostering a positive work environment. For instance, the concept of mental energy, which we're going to talk about, aligns with the need for corporate wellness professionals to focus on positive outcomes and intentions when designing wellness programs. This is what I talk about as advantage in reality, Transurfing. By consciously directing their mental energy towards a thriving, engaged workforce. These professionals can influence the collective mindset of the organization, helping to materialize a culture where health and wellbeing are prioritized. Additionally understanding and managing pendulums can help corporate wellness professionals navigate the complexities of the workplace dynamics. I talk about pendulums all the time on this channel. In fact, I have a free download on how to navigate pendulums in your life. And we're going to talk about that today as well. We're going to talk about pendulums and what they are, but by recognizing and disengaging from negative or draining influences within the organization, you can conserve your mental energy and focus on initiatives that truly resonate with the company's values and goals. This approach can empower you to lead with clarity and purpose, fostering an environment where both the company and its employees can flourish. If you're ready to elevate your corporate wellness initiatives and dive into real impact within your organization, you'll find more details and a link to learn more in the show notes and description below. Let's get into the episode and rule one, which is mental energy. The eradication of mental energy induces the materialization of the variation." Vadim Zeland reality, Transurfing. This rule emphasizes the infinite possibilities that exist in the universe. I like to say there are infinite solutions to every problem. It suggests that our reality is shaped by our thoughts and our intentions. By focusing your mental energy positively. We can navigate through this space to manifest our desired realities. This concept aligns with the idea that our perception and attitude can significantly impact our life's trajectory. This helps broaden the vision to see the space of variations. Rule number two, probably one of my favorites in reality, Transurfing is pendulums. Vadim Zeland says and I quote."Dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment are the pendulum's favorite dish." He also says"to get rid of a pendulum first, you need to admit that it exists and it has a right to do so you have to calm down and lose interest in it." for example, just ignore it. By doing so you will deprive it of your own mental energy. That is not easy to do. And I have written many, many articles on pendulums. I'll have a link to that page in the show notes and description below, and you can check that out, but pendulums and Transurfing, refer to structures or systems that feed off collective energy. For example, political parties. Where you work. Religions, but we recognize their existence and refuse to engage emotionally with them. And this can free us from their influence. This disengagement is a form of empowerment and it enables us to conserve our mental energy. Like we mentioned in rule number one for personal growth and fulfillment. Another example of pendulums that I like to talk about a lot. Is this sports team, perhaps your professional football team was in running for the super bowl game, but lost the game. The energy around that pendulum has taken your energy because you got all hyped up for the win. But what if your team lost and spoiler alert, there are more losers than winners. Where does all that energy go? If you simply observe this, you will leave it alone. That is a pendulum in action. Rule number three and Transurfing is the wave of luck."By accepting and transmitting the negative energy. You create your own hell by accepting and transmitting the positive energy you create your own heaven." Vadim Zeland reality, Transurfing. So this rule posits that our emotions and energies contribute to our realities by consciously choosing positivity and constructive attitudes, we can create a wave of luck or favorable circumstances. This aligns with the idea that optimism and a positive mindset can bring about a better life outcomes. This is why I cannot conform to the words toxic positivity. I write about this concept often, but when you choose to see positivity as toxic, you are losing the ride on the wave of luck, according to Transurfing of reality. I have several articles I've written on toxic positivity. I will have a link in the show notes and description below. And I must say here that I do know that our negativity bias reigns. In this department and it is the reason why it is easier for us to focus on the negativity than the positivity. But when you switch to the wave of luck or advantage in reality, Transurfing, you will find that. I don't know, it's a lot better than letting that negativity bias rule. Speaking of rules, rule number four, excess potential."To get in balance with the outside world, have freedom from pendulums and freely fulfill your desires. One needs to reduce importance." this principle advises against assigning excess of importance to people, events or objects to maintain emotional and energetic balance. I talk about importance all the time and excess potential, but by reducing the significance we place on external factors, we can achieve a more harmonious state of being less susceptible to external influences. For example, have you ever had a crush on someone you obsessive thought about that person and then all of a sudden they ignored you? Or is it just me? No. Seriously. This is excess potential at its finest. Reducing importance is not always easy, but I've done it on everything from my family, my children, and even my job and had much success in doing so. I have written many articles on importance and you can find them in the link in the show notes and description below. Rule number five, induced transition."Do not let any negative information enter. Into your layer of the world intentionally ignore it. Deprivate of intention and don't engage with interest." I know I get it with that dang negativity bias. This is not as easy as it sounds, but this rule focuses on the control of our environment. And by deliberately ignoring negative influences and information, we can maintain a positive and healthy mental state crucial for personal wellbeing and achieving our own goals. I utilize this rule whenever it comes to the news or what I like to call fear porn. While working out at planet fitness, I noticed that they have two rows. Of 16 TVs and they have a captivated audience because you're working out on the treadmill and you have nothing else to look at, but the TVs. But instead, I refuse to let that negativity into my reality and I watched tutorials on YouTube. Now, this does not mean that I place my head in the sand. I actually use Transurfing principles to make sure that I know the things that I need to know, which leads me to the next rule. Rule number six, the rustle of the morning stars."It is necessary to listen to the state of spiritual discomfort. If you have to persuade yourself, then the soul says, no." That's a quote from reality Transurfing. This point emphasizes the importance of inner harmony and authenticity. It suggests that true guidance comes from within and we should heed our own inner discomfort as a signal that something is not aligned with our true selves. And what I mean how this rule goes with induced transition. Is when you listen to the rustle of the morning stars, which is quiet. You also find your spiritual discomfort or maybe perhaps the rustle of the morning stars is trying to tell you something. For example, when we had a hurricane back in July in the city that I lived in. I would listen to. Certain information about it and how to stay safe and how to be calm. And I utilized all reality, Transurfing principles in this time. But the discomfort, it was uncomfortable. But I also learned that there were importance of inner harmony and actually my authentic self or my inner being. Rule number seven space of variations."Following the principle of moving with the current, everything should be done most easily and simply." Reality, Transurfing. In line with the first rule, this principle advises a path of least resistance. It suggest that. Instead of struggling against the current, moving with it leads to a more effortless and fulfilling journey. I like to think of this rule as finding flow and understanding where flow is in your life. Flow is being in the zone. Just being. Where you're supposed to be when you're supposed to be there. And it just feels better. You get a lot more accomplished when you're in flow. And it's very helpful to understand what flow feels like and actually make flow of priority in your life. This is something that I've been working on for several years now and finding flow helps you to understand where that path of least resistance is. Rule number eight intention." The internal intention or our determination must be directed towards the unity of the soul in the mind. Our wishes are realized by external intention. For example, the intention to own our deep belief and concentration on how the goal is realized by itself." so rule number eight, intention. This rule distinguishes between internal and external intentions. It emphasizes the power to align one's deeper self or your soul with your mind and how external realities can be shaped by our focus, beliefs, and intentions. You know, uh, Steve jobs. So famously said, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition for it somehow already knows the way. Rule number nine slides. Create yourself a positive slide, pleasant to your soul, and your mind do not look at the slide as a picture, but live in it at least virtually in your imagination. Often look through your slide and add new details." reality, Transurfing. So this concept involves creating and regularly immersing oneself in a mental image or slide of the desired outcome. This mental practice supports the manifestation of goals by reinforcing them in our subconscious mind. This is the power of imagination and slides can be something as simple as picturing yourself in the goal where you want to be. And dreaming about it and every detail possible it helps. This leads to rule number 10. Visualization."Visualization and Transurfing is a vision of the process of realizing the current stage on the way to the goal." this rule focuses on the processes of visualizing steps toward a goal. It's about seeing, not just the result, but also visualizing the journey there. Reinforcing the path to achievement. This is the power of the subconscious mind. I remember the subconscious mind takes everything literally. So if you envision the visualization of the process of how you want to achieve the goal, that's going to help you more. Then envisioning a failure because that failure or that negativity bias will just give you more of that because the subconscious mind takes everything. Literally. Rule number 11 is a funny one. It's called the fraile and here's what Vadim Zeland says about your fraile"your soul's frail is the holy grail within you to tune your mind to your soul's fraile you need to convince yourself that your soul is worthy of love in the first place." Whoa. That's sometimes is kind of tricky. But this rule speaks to the importance of self-love and self-worth. Recognizing and embracing our inner values is seen as a key to turning our lives into harmony with our true desires and potentials. When you work on visualization and you work on your slides. You actually tune in to the fraile or the holy grail that is within you. And rule number 12. The final rule we're going to talk about today is goals and doors. And here's what Vadim says about it."Happiness comes during the journey to your goal through your door. your goal is something that gives you real pleasure. Something that gives a feeling of joy. A feeling of feast in your life, your door is the path towards your goal on which you feel fascinated and inspired." So this final rule emphasizes the joy found in the journey toward our goals, not just the destination. It encourages the pursuit of goals that bring genuine joy and fulfillment and the recognition of the past or doors that feel inspiring and energizing to us. So in conclusion, the 12 rules of Transurfing offer a transformative approach to life, providing a framework for understanding and navigating the myriad of experiences and challenge we face. These rules grounded in the principle of shaping our reality through focused intention and perception, serve as powerful tools for personal growth and self-empowerment. They encourage us to look beyond the apparent limitations of our immediate circumstances and tap into the vast potential of our inner selves. By embracing these principles, we can learn to flow meant intentionally with life's currents rather than against them and reduce the undue influence of external factors like that. Negativity bias, and even cultivate a mindset that attracts positive outcomes. The journey of Transurfing is not just about achieving specific goals. It's about rediscovering our innate power to create a life that resonates with our deepest desires and values. In other words, enjoy the journey just as much as the destination. As we integrate these rules into our daily lives, we might find that the world around us begins to change and subtle yet profound ways. Our perceptions shift. Our reactions transform and our realities align more closely with our true aspirations. I can testify to this, whether it's through simply managing our mental energy, visualizing our goals, or aligning our intentions with our authentic selves. Each rule offers a path to greater harmony and fulfillment. And I want that for you. Remember the journey of Transurfing is deeply personal and unique to each individual. It's a path of exploration, experimentation, and self discovery. As you apply these principles, be patient with yourself and open to the lessons of insights that each step brings. The world of Transurfing is rich with possibilities and the journey is as rewarding as the destination. May these rules guide you to a life of greater joy. Balance and purpose. All right. That's my episode for today. I trust that you found that helpful. If you know someone who can benefit from this, please share it with them. And until next time I will see you next time. Peace out and Namaste