Kathie's Coaching Podcast
Calling all HR Directors and aspiring corporate wellness professionals. Kathie's coaching talks about top workplace status, employee engagement, and the health and well-being of our teams! We are on a mission to end toxic workplace culture with holistic corporate wellness programs.
Kathie's Coaching Podcast
197. Day 5: Your Body is Screaming - The Three Faces of Burnout Nobody Talks About
In today’s episode we discuss:
🔗🔗Links for today’s episode:
Book a quick call with Kathie: https://tidycal.com/kathie-owen/top-workplace-15minutes
Links for Kathie: https://www.kathieowen.com/links
Conquering Burnout with Exercise: Insights from Hande: https://www.kathieowen.com/blog/day5-hande-burnout
Hello and welcome to the 12 Days of Burnout Breakthrough! Today's guest is Hande, an experienced online personal trainer. Hande discusses the symptoms of burnout—chronic pain, headaches, reduced productivity, and emotional stress—and offers practical advice on how to address it through exercise.
She emphasizes the importance of deep breathing, honoring what your body needs, and integrating mindfulness into your routine.
Whether you're into high-intensity workouts or prefer stretching and yoga, Hande provides actionable tips to help you combat burnout and improve your overall well-being. Stay tuned for her valuable insights and advice!
00:00 Introduction to the 12 Days of Burnout Breakthrough
00:30 Meet Hande: Our Expert Trainer
01:43 Understanding Burnout: Physical, Mental, and Emotional Aspects
03:54 Addressing Burnout: Quick Wins and Practical Tips
07:15 Final Thoughts and Farewell
Hello and welcome to the 12 Days of Burnout Breakthrough. And today's guest is an expert trainer. she's been on the channel before. I will have links to her in the show notes and description below to her previous episode. But today we are in working with Hande again. She's an online personal trainer. And before I even say any more, I'm going to let her introduce herself to you, and then we'll get into the episode.
Hande:Well, hi, everyone. It's great to be here again. Hi, Kathie I'm just happy to be here. I'm here as a certified personal trainer. I've been working over a decade exclusively with individuals and with corporations to help their employees become stronger and healthier version of themselves. And today's topic, I'm very excited about when Kathie mentioned that we will be talking about burnout. And within my scope of practice, I would like to, share my experience and my, through the lenses of my clients experiences, what are the symptoms they identify as burnout and how we can help improve, their conditions. Let's call it a condition. through fitness.
Kathie:Awesome. Love it. Today I'm going to ask Honde a question and then she's going to give you a solution to how her service provides help with the condition of burnout. What is burnout and how she helps with it. So, Hande, please tell us. We can't wait to hear. Oh my, no pressure.
Hande:My take on burnout is, is a state., that we find ourselves, through physical and emotional, exhaustion, that is, described as overwork and negative stress. And we can describe burnout, in three areas that I commonly see is one, you can put it on its own, impact and symptoms on our mental health, our physical health and emotional health. In physical health, where I see in my clients, whether it's in the corporate world or individual, the symptoms usually are chronic pain, headaches and sleep disturbances. And the mental health component, we see that decrease in productivity, clarity in thinking and forgetfulness. And in the emotional, it has, it takes its toll on us as well in terms of, burnout leads to anxiety, irritability, and, stress. Sensation of hopelessness. These are the common three categories and basic not limited to these are the symptoms that we see, as one of the real things that we face in our, you know, ever fast working, employees who are working at a very high pace work life add on busy lives to that. This is happening. And statistics show that employees 60 70 percent of them one way or one time or another in their life experience burnout. This is a big number, 60 70%. So I think, uh, it is time for us to not label this as just, uh, uh, you know, a hipster thing. This affects all of us. Yes.
Kathie:I agree. And that she nailed it. The physical, the mental, and the emotional. It's important to focus on all three of those because that is what burnout is. It's a stress, an overload of that. And that one question for Hande is, how would you address burnout in a physical aspect? Like, what's a quick win for us that we could take with us today that maybe you'd give to somebody who's just overwhelmed and stressed out?
Hande:Very good question. While exercise, helps, The symptoms to combat and reverse the effects of burnout exercise in itself may not be the only solution because there could be layers to the burnout we're feeling. However, exercise will definitely help enhance your productivity through, through, uh, giving you more energy and helps you improve your mood. Um, one of the things I always say is take a deep breath. Whatever it is, anything can wait. Just feel connected for one full minute. That is equivalent of breathing in and exhaling out five times. Close your eyes and do that for five times. That means one minute you dropped everything and you connected with yourself. Then I would say, Honor what your body's telling you today. Sometimes it's good to push through and do a upbeat workout to shake things out. And sometimes your body wants just something easier. Maybe that day your workout should may not look like a high intensity workout, but maybe more breath working, uh, or maybe more yoga or more stretching. So also honor that. Breathe and listen to your body, what it wants. Maybe it's just listening to a loud music and moving and grooving as if nobody's watching you. Or maybe it's just running and listening to a really loud music and type of music that you're ashamed if anybody would hear you listening, whatever it is, that could be saving the day, literally. So sometimes that needs to be the step one day at a time, and then look into making it more sustainable. Sustainable by looking at the bigger picture of trying to assess what is the root cause of Burnout while you keep moving and providing your body some good well deserved energy
Kathie:Love that answer. That is a quick win for you. As Hande was saying this, I was taking deep breaths and really getting in touch with what I was feeling, what I was thinking and being present in the moment. So that. I'm on top of my game and it just feels better. Just take that one minute. One thing I did notice while she was saying that is that one minute of deep breathing. If you have a smartwatch, you'll see a mindfulness button on there, especially the Apple watch. I know that all of them have this, but that mindfulness button will help you do the deep breathing for one minute. And if you just focus on that one minute, take time away from your distractions, it can help with. Overwhelm, stress, burnout in general. So that was your day with HANDE during these 12 days of holiday burnout breakthrough. And thank you HANDE for being here and I'll have you close out the episode by telling everybody goodbye and where they can find you.
Hande:Thank you so much. Always pleasure to be here and I hope to inspire and inspire everyone. Uh, you can find me here in Barcelona, Spain, if you're visiting here. Otherwise you can find me on all social media, personal trainer, Hande on LinkedIn and my website, handearald. com.
Kathie:Awesome. Thank you for being here. That's our episode for today. I trust that you found it helpful. If you know somebody who could benefit from this, please share it with them. And until next time, we'll see you next time. Peace out and Namaste.